Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spring Rhodes, May 2011

Sunday May 15, 2011 - When Ted got back from church he walked into my office with Izzibell on his shoulder and said "She doesn't need much attention or anything". Guess she couldn't wait to welcome him home.
Took a picture of new rhodes on 5-12 when the sun came out for a brief moment. The lace leaf maple is getting it's new leaves too. Below is a picture of our new custom shower curtain for the guest bathroom. Took us awhile to get one made.
Took this picture of our three flowering plum trees on April 15th. The coral bark maple at the corner of the driveway is pretty too.
Ted took picture below of our 'first to bloom' rhodes on April 5th. Pretty pink color. It's been so unusually cold this spring we can't get outside to work in the yard. Lots of weeding to do!

Surgery Time, March-April 2011

Tuesday, 3-29-11 - I had the best "room with a view" in the Port Angeles Hospital, though I wasn't in very good condition to appreciate it. Ted had fun taking pictures of all the boat traffic in the harbor.
3-29-11 - Had major abdominal explatory surgery at 9:00 a.m. Surgeon discovered an ovarian cyst had hemoraged and ruptured and 'stuck' a bunch of my internal organs together. He removed ovaries, fallopian tubes, appendix, and many adhesions. Very rough night brought about the nose tube (which helped immensely), and put me on the road to recovery.
Felt much better a couple of days later! April sent flowers along with the Teddy Bear, which served as my "belly bear" when I had to try and cough. It became my constant companion.
Beautiful flowers from Ted, April, and Diane & Jerry. Diane brought me home on Sunday, 4-3-11 at 1:30 p.m. Ted was in Seattle that day.
I'm posting this to the blog on Sunday, May 15, 2011. The incision is almost healed up all the way . Just a couple of spots are still very tender; the surgeon told me it had something to do with the dissolving stiches. Ted and I both came down with a really bad cold a couple of weeks ago, which had delayed recovery, but I'm looking forward to getting outside and working in the yard as soon as it stops raining (in beautiful sunny Sequim)! Ha, Ha.


12-29-10 - Picture below was taken on Ted's birthday. Very somber holiday season this year. Picture above is of my lost & recently found crystal collection. The little white fuzzy owl was Karn's Christmas present to me. It's the perfect addition to my owl collection, and I will always treasure it.
12-24-10 - Christmas Eve Dinner with Ted's family & relatives in Tacoma, WA. We all knew this would be Karn's last Christmas. She passed on January 30, 2011.
12-25-10 - Christmas Morning with the Ockfen/Johnson family.
12-17-10 - Luther came for a visit the week before Christmas. Ted's diagnosis of bladder cancer in November added another very serious note to the holidays.