Tuesday, November 6, 2012


 Sun. 9-2-12 - We got up at 6:00 am and drove out to the airport where the balloons are launched.  It was quite spectacular - they are so huge up close!  They are just starting to inflate one of the BEEs in picture above, and Ted, Ken and April taking it all in below.

 The flames they use to inflate them looks like it would catch them on fire.  The picture below shows all 3 BEEs taking off, with other balloons well on their way.  Next year I want to take a balloon ride with Ted.  I hope April and Ken will agree to go with us.  It's one of those "once in a lifetime" adventures!

Took the picture below at 8:00 am on Sat. 9-1 from our deck.  The balloons are only up for about an hour, but I bet you get some great pictures during the ride.

 This was the last picture I took of the balloons heading toward the sunrise and Sequim.  Of course I took many, many pictures and it was hard to decide which ones to post on the blog - but you get the idea.  We stopped for breakfast then April and Ken headed for home.  Looking forward to all of us taking a ride next year.


 Fri. 8-31-12 - Dinner out at Adrian's in Sequim.  From left: Ken, April, Diane, Jerry, Me, and Ted.  Very nice evening.  April and Ken arrived late Thursday night, after being involved in a car accident in Winthrop.  Dented their bumper but they were not hurt (thank goodness) just exhausted from the trip.

 Sat. 9-1-12 - Went to the Balloon Festival Fair Grounds to check out the booths and the antique car show.  We stayed to watch the entertainment, the best of which was Geoffrey Castle, a one man show (picture below).  I bought his CD's.  He was really good.

Couldn't post any of the pictures that April took of Ted and me because they were in a different format.  Oh well.  Here's one of the balloon shots.  The bottom picture of the full moon was taken from my deck at 6:44 am Saturday, 9-1-12.


Thurs. 4-26-12 - There was a huge hailstorm today.  Right after it stopped the sun popped out for a minute and I got this picture of the rainbow and deer in the lot next door.

 Sat. 5-12-12 - Received Mother's Day flowers from April.  Izzibell and TJ are very interested in checking them out - no doubt to see if they taste good.

 Sat. 5-29-12 - Ted's church had a western theme BBQ today and he dressed for the occasion.

 TJ busy helping Ted make up his bed.  He also helps out in Ted's office whenever he gets the chance.  They are great buddies.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hip Replacement 1-4-12

 This is why I haven't updated the Blog since September 2011.  The new hip replacement surgery scheduled for 1-4-12 was on my mind a lot, plus getting around was quite painful - my hip kept locking up on me. :(
The new one below works much better! :)
The surgeon did an excellent job!  You can barely see the incision.

 Spent a lot of time making sure I was sleeping in the correct positions, with pillows between my legs.  The picture below shows the foam gadget they used in the hospital and sent home with me.  Not very comfortable!
 The picture below is a pretty good representation of where I spent a good deal of time for several weeks after the surgery.  The walker was essential for any and all movement around the house.  Full recovery took about 3 months (including physical therapy) and it was so worth it!  I'm looking forward to hitting a few tennis balls this summer.

Arial Photos 9-4-2011 & 8-7-2007

 Above photo was taken 9-4-2011, right after our lot was mowed.  You can see where the lot below was not yet mowed.  Nice picture of our new house and landscaping.
Below is the photo of our lot in 2007.

Christmas 2011

 12-25-11 - We spent a quiet Christmas at home.  Again TJ is always front and center.
 TJ checking out one of my new owls.
 The smaller owl on the left is hand carved out of a Buffalo Horn.  The detail is amazing!  I love the beautiful lavender crystal.  The little Eeyore and Tiger "Friends Like You Put a Smile on My Face" statue is a symbol of our "2011 Year of Learning".
 TJ & Izzi - My ever present "helpers" when I change the sheets on my bed.

Birthday Flowers, Kittens & Crystals 12-1-11

December 8, 2011 - Took these pictures of the beautiful flowers I received from April and Ted for my birthday on 12-1-11.  TJ is always front and center.
 Good shot of TJ relaxing and the angel (orb) over the stove.  I wanted to get Izzi in a picture so I walked around the couch and snapped the one below.  Another clear shot of an angel above TJ's head.  There were many orbs (angels) in almost every shot I took this evening.

 December 11, 2011 - I was trying to take a picture of my crystal collection, including the new ones in the goblet that Ted got me for my birthday.  I lowered the sun shade and tried again.
 The blog was re-formatted and now you can have more than 5 pictures in one post, so I added the two below.  April scanned these and sent them to me in October.  I never saw the one of my mother before.  Such a pretty young woman.  It's one of my favorite pictures of her. 
Esther Margaret Stucker and Robert Donald Grant
on their wedding day.

October 2011 Trees Topped & Cut Down

October 3, 2011 - They topped several large trees on the lot next door and cut others down.  Picture above is the "before"; below a picture of "after".  Much better view of the mountains and Hurricane Ridge.

Here's the other "before" and "after" shots.  It really opened up the view of the straits and cleaned up the big messy bush that had grown up around the fallen tree.

Caught the tree just as it was falling.  You can tell how huge this tree was when you see how little the people and equipment are next to it.