Saturday, 9-25-10 - What an incredibly beautiful day! I took these pictures around 10:00 a.m. Our landscaper Debbie Reylolds has been working on the yard for two weeks and she will finish up on Wednesday 9-29.
These pictures will give you an idea of what things look like.
We are really pleased with the end results. It will be fun adding plants to the landscape in the months ahead to fill in the gaps. There are so many beautiful plants to choose from.
July 7, 2010 - The annual mowing was done today. This equipment was really too small to do a good job on the very tall/thick grass. The tires just flatened it out before the blades could cut it, so the tall grass just stood back up after he was finished. Also he couldn't see the various drainage/sewer vent pipes and ran over them with the mower. I'll make sure they are clearly marked next year.
July 30, 2010 - Finally got the big landscaping rocks placed around the house today. Took 4 hours with the backhoe. They did a good job. Now all we need are the trees and plants. I thought I had a landscaper scheduled to start the last week in August, but I haven't heard back from her so I'll have to start looking for someone else next week.
July 27, 2010 - I found this unique area rug and thought it would look nice on the wall. The picture doesn't do it justice. The brown background with the orange, red and tan "sun bursts" complement the colors of the slate in the hallway and kitchen, and comes close to matching the bench cushions (which I'm getting recovered).
Wed. September 8, 2010 - I went for a hike down on the Dungeness Spit this morning with a couple of lady friends I met at line dancing class. (Ted was playing golf.) It was such a beautiful day-perfect for a 1+ hour walk on the beach.