Tuesday, 6-16-09 - Long time, no see! This past month has been busy with electrical, plumbing, stone siding on the outside, etc., all of which is now basically complete except for the stone trim around the big windows. Now it's insulation and sheetrock time. In the picture above you see the "Blow-in Blanket" that is used on all outside walls. Picture below shows the process - it's blown in from their big truck parked in the driveway.
Picture below is what it looks like after all the insulation has been blown in; you can see some of it on the floor. After all the sheetrock and in-floor heating work is complete, they will fill the attic with this insulation material. Insulation batting is used in all the inside walls and the garage walls. Basement & crawl space will be insulated later on.
Took picture below yesterday evening (6-15) around 7:30 pm. We go up and check out the days progress every evening. Ted is inspecting the store front window frames that were delivered yesterday morning. You get a pretty good idea of how big the floor-to-ceiling windows are with him standing in the center of one window frame. The garage was sheetrocked yesterday. As soon as the big windows are in and all the scaffolding is gone I'll get some good pictures and update the blog again. Until then..... : )
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